Club Leadership Education (CLE)

All designated 2024-2025 Club Officers are required to take Club Leadership Education training. This is required even if they have previously served in the position! There are three opportunities for CLE training:

In-Person CLE – July 19th @1:30pm (CLOSED)

The only opportunity for in-person CLE for 2024-2025 Club Officers will be at the Southwest District Convention at 1:30-3pm on Friday, July 19th. In-person training will be offered for Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and Membership Chairs.

Live Webinar CLE – August

Officer designates who cannot attend the in-person CLE are invited to Kiwanis International’s Virtual Club Leadership Education in August. The live webinars will begin at 5pm AZ/6pm NM & TX.

The dates for each office’s live webinar training are:

  • President – Monday, August 5, 2024
  • Secretary – Tuesday, August 6, 2024
  • Treasurer – Monday, August 12, 2024
  • Membership Chair – Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Registration is required, and you can do so at

Recorded CLE

If your schedule prevents you from attending the in-person training on July 19th and you are also unavailable for the live webinar in August, you can get your CLE credit by watching the recording of the live webinar. Use the same registration link as the live webinar ( and check the box indicating you will be watching the recording.
